And Now...
| Average
| other category | Misc
Strawberry Tart | Pumpkin Muffin
Fruit | 0.003 | 100.0
Rat | 99.997 | 0.0
In this table, the lower left cell spans 2 rows, but I think
that makes no sense for the bottom row (as column span > 1 would
make no sense for the last column).
...More Tables
| Average
| other category | Misc
buttocks | nostrils
Cleese | 3.0 | 2.0
Idle | 2.0 | 3.0
In this table, the upper right cell spans 2 columns, but what do we do
about that?
Lemon Curry?
| Average
| other category | Misc
Dennis | Moore
Riding | through | the night
Dum | dum | dee!