Bugs In Previous Grail Releases

Bugs in Grail 0.5

There were bugs in Grail 0.5, but we didn't bother to keep track of them.

Known Bugs in Grail 0.4

Known Bugs in Grail 0.3

Here is a list of known bugs in Grail 0.3. We plan to fix all of them in future versions. If you're using Grail 0.3 to read this page, you will be able see to which bugs have been fixed on the development version (meaning with the final 0.3 release): the items will be bulleted with an open square instead of round bullet.

See also the list of fixed bugs that were present in Grail 0.2.


Newly Discovered Bugs in Grail 0.3

Newly Discovered Bugs in Grail 0.3b3

These bugs have all been fixed in the final release of Grail 0.3.

General Browser Bugs

HTML Parser and Formatter Bugs

Applet Support Bugs

Security Bugs

Suggested Features

General Project Bugs

Linux Bugs

(This bug was reported for Grail 0.2 but could occur with Grail 0.3 too.)

Solaris Bugs

(These bugs were reported for Grail 0.2 but could occur with Grail 0.3 too.)

Tk or Tcl Bugs

There seem to be some problems with the GIF reading code in Tk. We now supply source patches for Tk for both bugs.